apple watch stroke

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  • Can Apple Watch detect a heart attack?

    The Apple Watch can only detect irregular heart rhythms, which are a risk factor for stroke. As Apple's website states: The ECG app can't detect a heart attack, blood clots, stroke or other heart-related conditions, including high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, high cholesterol or other forms of arrhythmia.

  • Can Apple Watch prevent stroke?

    Apple’s new study to see if the Apple Watch can prevent stroke In its most ambitious study yet, Apple wants to see if its wearable can affect people’s health in a meaningful way. In its most ambitious study yet, Apple wants to see if its wearable can affect people’s health in a meaningful way.

  • What's new in the new Apple Watch?

    On Wednesday, Apple unveiled the next generation of the Apple Watch —and it has some notable new features. Like many new tech roll-outs, the watch is thinner and faster than watches that came before it, but the updated version also has several unique options for tracking a person’s heart health.

  • Can an Apple Watch give you a false positive?

    But it could also give you a false positive and freak you out for no reason. Additionally, things that are normal and known to be normal to cardiologists could be alarming to an Apple Watch user, like the fact that your heart rate can drop down to 30 or 40 beats per minute when you’re sleeping (which would apparently trigger an alert).

Apple Watch for AFib & Stroke: Should You Buy One?

Apple Watch for AFib & Stroke: Should You Buy One?

How to track your activity with your Apple Watch — Apple Support

How to track your activity with your Apple Watch — Apple Support

How To Use The Apple Watch Series 9

How To Use The Apple Watch Series 9

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ECG app and irregular heart rhythm notification available today on

ECG app and irregular heart rhythm notification available today on


Apple Watch gets ECG feature for detecting a common cause of strokes

Apple Watch gets ECG feature for detecting a common cause of strokes


ECG app and irregular heart rhythm notification available today on

ECG app and irregular heart rhythm notification available today on


New study tests if Apple Watch feature can reduce stroke risk

New study tests if Apple Watch feature can reduce stroke risk


New watch can help doctors monitor your heart in real time

New watch can help doctors monitor your heart in real time


Healthcare - Apple Watch - Apple

Healthcare - Apple Watch - Apple


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